Every week there's some random politically charged comment that's either intentionally or (worse) unintentionally incorrect at its core. I'm seriously considering unsubscribing after a long long time... check your Tesla and monkeypox vaccination facts again. You're having a lot of influence at this point, be more careful and do better.
The Model Ys couldn't be sold because the factory didn't have final approval, ergo no cars could be built. Now there's this weird argument that the final approval supersedes the preliminary approval so the cars can be sold after all. Not allowing the cars to be sold in the first place seems ludicrous and petty.
This on Monkeypox from Germany's holy Tagesschau:
Dabei liegen in Berlin schon seit einer Weile 8000 Impfstoffdosen bereit. An der Beschaffung haperte es also nicht. Es waren bürokratische Hindernisse, die den Start der Kampagne hinauszögerten. So berichtete der Berliner "Tagesspiegel" vergangene Woche, dass der Vertrag zwischen Kassenärztlicher Vereinigung und der Gesundheitsverwaltung nicht unterschrieben sei. Das ist mittlerweile geschehen, doch wertvolle Zeit ist verstrichen.
Politically charged comments in journalism?! What is this brand new plague infiltrating our media...
On a more serious note though, journalists incorporate opinions, that's one fact that doesn't need checking and as the 20% style is evidently satire (which i'm personally a big fan of by the way) maybe take some things with a larger pinch of salt!
Fact-checking is and always should be down to us as readers to verify. As they say, don't believe everything you read on the internet
I agree that 20% is funny, but disagree that it is satire OR shouldn't fact check! But anyway, it always links to the facts, which is I think good practice.
I'm totally confused about podcasts. Why do they need funding or celebrating? Are they really making money when no one else in media is? Isn't this another one of those art & sports & social media things where 99.999% of people doing them make zero money & you only hear about the few that go viral (transiently)? I'm surprised that Berlin coudn't get 4444 podcasts recorded in a weekend?
Every week there's some random politically charged comment that's either intentionally or (worse) unintentionally incorrect at its core. I'm seriously considering unsubscribing after a long long time... check your Tesla and monkeypox vaccination facts again. You're having a lot of influence at this point, be more careful and do better.
The Model Ys couldn't be sold because the factory didn't have final approval, ergo no cars could be built. Now there's this weird argument that the final approval supersedes the preliminary approval so the cars can be sold after all. Not allowing the cars to be sold in the first place seems ludicrous and petty.
This on Monkeypox from Germany's holy Tagesschau:
Dabei liegen in Berlin schon seit einer Weile 8000 Impfstoffdosen bereit. An der Beschaffung haperte es also nicht. Es waren bürokratische Hindernisse, die den Start der Kampagne hinauszögerten. So berichtete der Berliner "Tagesspiegel" vergangene Woche, dass der Vertrag zwischen Kassenärztlicher Vereinigung und der Gesundheitsverwaltung nicht unterschrieben sei. Das ist mittlerweile geschehen, doch wertvolle Zeit ist verstrichen.
Politically charged comments in journalism?! What is this brand new plague infiltrating our media...
On a more serious note though, journalists incorporate opinions, that's one fact that doesn't need checking and as the 20% style is evidently satire (which i'm personally a big fan of by the way) maybe take some things with a larger pinch of salt!
Fact-checking is and always should be down to us as readers to verify. As they say, don't believe everything you read on the internet
I agree that 20% is funny, but disagree that it is satire OR shouldn't fact check! But anyway, it always links to the facts, which is I think good practice.
But also thanks for reading and commenting.
I'm totally confused about podcasts. Why do they need funding or celebrating? Are they really making money when no one else in media is? Isn't this another one of those art & sports & social media things where 99.999% of people doing them make zero money & you only hear about the few that go viral (transiently)? I'm surprised that Berlin coudn't get 4444 podcasts recorded in a weekend?
Love the new BVG pattern though.