Amazing how Linke took over from AFD in Pankow & NE Prenzlauerberg!! Wow!! Thanks for sharing the map again! This says to me even more what I long suspected – AFD and Linke are doing well in the East because they are the only ones paying attention to the East. That a whole lot of people in Pankow happily switched to Linke after BSW forked means they were holding their nose to vote SPD or Green against AFD, but really wanted more directed attention. These are the poorer areas; the more (US, not UK!) middle class regions still voted Green.
After reading the 45 page program, do you think anti-immigration splitter party is a fair characterization? Also, the obvious strategy of the rhetoric of stopping uncontrolled immigration is to appeal to the increasing xenophobia of many Germans while respecting immigrants strugglingl with inflation, scarce housing, etc.
The point "Der versprochene Jobturbo für Ukrainer und andere Flüchtlingsgruppen mit Schutzstatus muss endlich umgesetzt werden," sounds pretty pro immigrant to me; and even, "Ausländerbehörden und Gerichte sollen sich vorrangig auf diejenigen konzentrieren, die noch nicht integriert sind oder sich gar nicht integrieren wollen."
Now, if you want to call the party leader an egomaniac Die Linke traitor (based on the party's name), that's plenty reasonable. 👌
You find "the egomaniac Die Linke traitor led party" to be a fairer characterization after those 45 pages? I don't know if this is supposed to be a joke.
I haven't read them myself. The call to promote work permits (I suppose that this is part of that ‘Jobturbo’) does sound pro immigrant, though I wouldn't say the same about a call for the courts or the Ausländerbehörde to concentrate on the non-integrated foreigners.
Amazing how Linke took over from AFD in Pankow & NE Prenzlauerberg!! Wow!! Thanks for sharing the map again! This says to me even more what I long suspected – AFD and Linke are doing well in the East because they are the only ones paying attention to the East. That a whole lot of people in Pankow happily switched to Linke after BSW forked means they were holding their nose to vote SPD or Green against AFD, but really wanted more directed attention. These are the poorer areas; the more (US, not UK!) middle class regions still voted Green.
Calling the BSW an "anti-immigration splinter party" is wild.
They want to "stop the uncontrolled immigration" and they've split from Die Linke. What's wild?
The pigeonholing is wild.
After reading the 45 page program, do you think anti-immigration splitter party is a fair characterization? Also, the obvious strategy of the rhetoric of stopping uncontrolled immigration is to appeal to the increasing xenophobia of many Germans while respecting immigrants strugglingl with inflation, scarce housing, etc.
The point "Der versprochene Jobturbo für Ukrainer und andere Flüchtlingsgruppen mit Schutzstatus muss endlich umgesetzt werden," sounds pretty pro immigrant to me; and even, "Ausländerbehörden und Gerichte sollen sich vorrangig auf diejenigen konzentrieren, die noch nicht integriert sind oder sich gar nicht integrieren wollen."
Now, if you want to call the party leader an egomaniac Die Linke traitor (based on the party's name), that's plenty reasonable. 👌
It's not in their manifesto, but maybe I should have added "Kremlin-adjacent"
Or more politely, "populist" but yes, Xitter promoted AFD 2x over the mainstream parties, but BSW 6x!
Maybe they're a satanic cabal of pedos, too? C'mon Rachel Maddow, don't troll, engage in the debate : )
Well, they're out of the picture for now, thank god, so I'll refrain.
You find "the egomaniac Die Linke traitor led party" to be a fairer characterization after those 45 pages? I don't know if this is supposed to be a joke.
I haven't read them myself. The call to promote work permits (I suppose that this is part of that ‘Jobturbo’) does sound pro immigrant, though I wouldn't say the same about a call for the courts or the Ausländerbehörde to concentrate on the non-integrated foreigners.