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Does anybody know what's behind the low rate of construction permits in Berlin? Given the lawsuit by investor Christian Gérôme mentioned on the last post, I feel like the issue is not at all that Tempelhof remains a park.

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The low rate of construction permits are because inflation has made it expensive to building in Germany and, like Gerome, you also run into insane bureaucracy. It's cheaper and easier to build elsewhere.

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As a relative newcomer to living in Germany, in Berlin, but with over forty years of strong experience of life all over this country, I’ve long admired Germany’s appropriate acknowledgment of, and subsequent reparative action on, the Holocaust and its aftermath.

In comparison to, oh, let’s say Austria, whose almost complete denial of their responsibility is both shameful and repugnant, Germany’s post-WWII conduct has been commendable.

But on this latest state of savage and barbaric play from Israel in reaction to the terrorist actions by Hamas on Oct 7th, 2023, Germany is woefully and tragically wrong. As are most of the other major countries of the ‘western alliance’.

The Berlinale banning free expression? A special division of the police investigating speeches? And the banning of banners written in Arabic? And the harassment of individuals wearing the keffiyeh? Not so much 1984, more like 1933 all over again.

I would have thought Germans would have had enough of such authoritarian diktats.

A wrong is a wrong is a wrong is a wrong, and Israel most definitely is in the wrong at the moment. Germany should have the bollocks to say as much.

But I won’t hold my breath.

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Quoting the Berlinale website:

“The Berlinale believes in the importance of a globally networked film and media community that is committed to a plural, inclusive, equal and just cultural industry. For us, this is based on the values of artistic freedom, diverse creative creation, mutual appreciation and freedom of expression.”

What we see on this Berlinale footage is not calling out for hate, it’s about questioning the situation western countries face together with the Israeli government.

Hate speech is not acceptable, just like the current censorship is unbearable. How long did the Germans lecture around the world about them recovering from their past? And now these contradictions tearing us apart?

Pro-life is the word I prefer to choose. Pro-Palestinian is implying you’re against Israel or Judaism. Simply not true, as if this was a fact. And if you’re not Pro-Palestinian you’re against them, and if so why would you be, insinuating they’re all guilty and deserve to be treated inhumanly for months, if not decades?

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I'm here to read the comments, and so far, it's been heartwarming!

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>but surely sanctions and police investigations aren’t going to help anyone.

Would same be said if someone said "The world should not have Gaza strip", or "Russia's land will span to Poland"?

You're not directly advocating for dissolving the whole state and killing its' inhabitants, you're just implying it! No need to call the police in this case too, right?

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Neither of your examples are good or fair. I suggest you to read "from river to the sea" English wiki page. Especially "Response to criticsm" part may surprise you! You can also ask if "from river.." antisemitic to any LLM. Basically, it depends on the context. So, no it's not implying killing people or dissolving the whole state.

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From which river and to which sea can Palestine span without removing Israel?

Also, referring to LLMs is Idiocracy level of argument.

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I wish you read before you answered, Palestine being free between river to the sea does not have contradict with israel also being free there. There may potentially be a country where both groups can live together for example. Please actually read before your next answer.

Also every LLM giving the same answer has a reason, as they used the internet sources as training data. I guessed you wouldn't read a long article so I gave you a simple solution, which you probably didn't follow too. Please read about this topic with an open mind.

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"Please read about this topic with an open mind."

Is just another way of saying "I don't feel comfortable when people do not consume same propaganda pieces I do".

>as they used the internet sources as training data

Sure, no thing such as misinformation or propaganda exists on the internet.

>Palestine being free between river to the sea does not have contradict with israel also being free there

Suuuuuuure. Ask Palestinians in Arabic, hell, just ask them where they can express their opinions anonymously - you will see what peaceful coexistence they envision.

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If you really read, you would see some academics claiming the phrase is not necessarily antisemitic. Do you academics are spreading propaganda? But your post straight up went to arab-hate ofc "they". What can I say, if you're right, then half of Neukölln is antisemitic, do you think so? If yes, what are you gonna do with those people? Or maybe just maybe it does depend on the context and it's not as binary as you think

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>What can I say, if you're right, then half of Neukölln is antisemitic, do you think so?

Do I think so? I know so!

Go on, learn a few Hebrew phrases and put on kippah and walk around Neukölln, let's see how fast you'll be assaulted.

>Do you academics are spreading propaganda?

Hell yes they do. Academics are also people with their own agendas.

>If yes, what are you gonna do with those people?

Finally start punishing people who call for destruction of other states and attack people? Fines and jail time for citizens, deportations for repeated offenders on an Aufenthaltstitel or Duldung. Basically, show them that they're not in Sharia state.

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You'd call the police if somebody said "Russia's land will span to Poland"?

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Twisting the words is not good. First of all - not if "somebody said", but if it was said to a broad audience on an international stage. Second - not call the police, but report the incident.

I feel like this definitely would be done should such a case happen and no one would be against it, but when antisemites and islamists get in trouble for their genocidal calls, suddenly "not sure if police should be involved".

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I think people other than antisemites and Islamists are concerned about what is being perpetrated by Israel in Gaza. As for the war in Ukraine, voices that suggest that Germany should not get involved by supporting Ukraine do not received so much dramatic attention. It's hard for me to imagine that any German authorities would sanction or investigate at the case of an abstained actor who said on a stage of a film festival that Ukraine should be annexed by Russia.

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