The Berlin police don't have a single Arabic speaker/reader on their books?!

Kafkaesqe...not Kafkaesque enough?

No...Monty Pythonesque is more like it.

Talking of Berlin's finest, any idea what the cost is of providing the round-the-clock presence of police officers outside Jewish premises, businesses, synagogues, etc, and the personal police escorts of Jewish indivinduals when they're out and about on the street? No axe grinding behind this question, just curious. I often chat to the officers stationed outside Feinberg's restaurant in Schoneberg while out walking the dog, and they strike me as being resigned to their 'duties', but not entirely convinced it's as absolutely necessary as the city authorities no doubt insist it is. But it must be a hefty portion of the city's policing bill.

And Ivy's got a point, Andrew.

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It was MAURICE and Ivy, just for clarification.

And Germany doesn't have a choice but to provide security for those places. A duty, really. If it helps, the cops there aren't real police officers, they're security guards known as Objektschutz, which are managed by the police. The synagogue on Rykestr. also has its own security and they are ... well I wouldn't mess with them.

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Surely they’re real cops? They wear the uniforms and drive cop cars, no? And, no I wouldn’t mess with whoever they are either!

Sorry, must have missed Maurice; apologies!

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I totally agree with Ivy's comments. We American expats should be especially aware of what a political slide to the right can do to a country. Unfortunately, white men are often the last to acknowledge a societal problem when it arises because they are the last to be affected by it.

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Pretty surprised and disappointed to see you guys promoting the Berlinale after their atrocious behaviour last year.

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