Dahlem had it cool. There was at least one but maybe 2 days of 37C high here in Tegel in late August - early September.

Also the maximum and minimum health insurance contributions go up which probably would be more noticeable than the additional percentage. I personally don’t know anyone who would pay a value that is not either min or max: it’s either a broke Kunstler/Yoga instructor or a foreigner who had to qualify for Blaue Karte EU to work here. But according to my estimations, the change in tax brackets will compensate for this and even give a few euros over. But the information available is very vague so I’m probably wrong.

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Max and minimum for both employees and self-employed people? Interesting. Didn't see that. Thanks for the info. Best to use an online tax calculator to see how you're personally affected. Happy New Year!

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For employees, maximum is now calculated based on 5512,50 per month instead of 5175 for 2024. I'm not sure about self-employed though, the sources I have sell insurance themselves, like this one https://www.onecept.de/blog/gesetzliche-krankenversicherung-im-hoechstbeitrag-steigt-2025

I never found a tax calculator that could show me the actual amount that will land at my account (maybe because of mandatory company pension scheme). That's why I call them 'estimates'.

Guten Rutsch to you too!

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