Regarding the collapse of the government, what happened to the €60 billion that the Constitutional Court annuled in 2023?

Although we may never know for sure, it seems like having this money available may have generated less divisions in the coalition's budget negotiations.


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As far as I understand, that was indeed the point of contention. With Trump in, Scholtz wanted to declare Ukraine a sufficient crisis to do deficit spending and the FDP refused. The court in 2023 refused to call the climate crisis the right kind fo crisis, which on the one hand cf https://files.mastodon.green/media_attachments/files/113/486/077/682/140/377/original/69321078b6a8ed76.png from https://mastodon.green/@peterdutoit/113486080248403396 but on the other hand, the governments of the world have never before been this far in debt (as a proportion of GDP) which means international finance may have WAY too much influence, so maybe Germany is a better place to live (though see the Microsoft note the previous issue...)

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