I'm also a freelancer, and they surprised me at the end of the citizenship application by asking for an audit anyway. They didn't mention it anywhere beforehand. Luckily it was quite quick for my accountant to throw together...

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Aw, maybe I'll just have him do one in case then. Another freelance friend of mine said they asked her too. Hmm...

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Deppenapostroph approval is great News. Now we only need to stop starting every Noun with a capital Letter

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Just a couple of recommendations for NB. https://maps.app.goo.gl/nzup744QRoeRm9i8A for very nice coffee and cakes, and https://maps.app.goo.gl/CFnwyy54yP5jenUJ9 for a quick lunch. And if you plan to go by train. I believe the station is currently not working... Good luck!

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Meanwhile, in Neubrandenburg, the city council bans rainbow flags on lamposts?


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Interesting... They used to have one on the main station, it was stolen some time ago https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/2024-08/neubrandenburg-regenbogenflagge-ausgetauscht-hakenkreuzfahne

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Thanks for this. Will try after I pass!

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The city justified the cost of the artificial turf by saying it will be further reused by a number of schools in Berlin after the euro 2024 tournament ends. Of course they knew these schools don't have the budget to make this happen as Berlin budget has been cut.

But trust our administrators to always pretend to be naive and leave out important details

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I'm surprised they needed to close the streets given there were about 5 helicopters in the air all morning. As a cyclist, Thursday was more of a problem. Mitte was full of entitled ignorant drivers and humongous busses zooming dangerously around the place.

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