Tesla just won’t give up. No matter what the people of Grünheide say, they will be pushing for it. I literally snorted by coffee through my nose laughing yesterday, as some guy concluded that it was all just a misunderstanding between Tesla and the locals, caused by poor communication. As if in: had Tesla used those magic words, the people would have rejoiced and stamped off Musk’s expansion plans at once. Mark my words. Tesla ain’t taking no for an answer, so start hugging those trees goodbye now - all 100 hectar of it.
Tesla just won’t give up. No matter what the people of Grünheide say, they will be pushing for it. I literally snorted by coffee through my nose laughing yesterday, as some guy concluded that it was all just a misunderstanding between Tesla and the locals, caused by poor communication. As if in: had Tesla used those magic words, the people would have rejoiced and stamped off Musk’s expansion plans at once. Mark my words. Tesla ain’t taking no for an answer, so start hugging those trees goodbye now - all 100 hectar of it.